Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year's, bitches!

Here we are, drwaing to the end of the Year of the Catheter (it ends at the Superbowl) and I have done a lot in these past months. I haven't really accomplished much, but I sure have done a lot. Here is a quick recap of 2005, a year in which I:

1) Won one quarter of the Superbowl "boxes" pool
2) Graduated Law School
3) Started a Blog
4) Drove a Hummer
5) Went backstage at a rock concert
6) Got 2nd place in my NCAA pool
7) Got 2nd place in my Fantasy Football League
8) Was an extra in 2 Major motion pictures
9) Went to the first baseball game in DC in decades
10) Caught 2 touchdowns in my touch football league
11) Auditioned to be on a Discovery Channel show
12) Went to Rafi Palmiero's first game back from his steroid suspension
13) Became Uneployed (officially)
14) Worked as a pool man
15) Became unemployed again
16) Ate at Ben's Chili Bowl for the first time
17) Was rejected from approximately 170 jobs
18) Got a dog

That is about all I can think of right now, but I'm sure I'll remember some more later.


So the Redskins are in the playoffs for the first time since 1999. I don't count that because I was in college at the time and they weren't really any good (not that I think they are good now), so we're actually talking about the first time since 1992. Now, even though I don't think they are any good this year, they could beat anyone in the NFC playoffs (if they are reasonably healthy). This is a watershed moment in my life.

My question is this: what do people do when their team is in the playoffs? The Redskins haven't really been remotely good since I became an adult so I don't know what to do with myself next week. I think that people might go and watch the game at a bar or have little playoff watching parties at their houses, but I really couldn't tell you. I guess my tenative plan of attack is to go to our usual game-watching spot to view the game because its pretty fun there and there should be a good crowd. I can't even imagine what a win would feel like.

The real question is: Which Clinton Portis alter-ego will show up this week?

1. Jerome From Southeast

2. Dollah Bill

3. Sheriff Gonna Getcha

4. Reverend Gonna Change

5. Dr. "I Don't Know"

I'm hoping for Southeast Jerome.