Friday, December 02, 2005


Rambling time, rambling time, across the USA. Rambling time, Rambling time. Hey Hey!

-- If I had a secret time machine, along with investing all my money in Microsoft, I'd go back to the 50's and play college basketball. I'd be the original White Chocolate. I had a friend who lived in South Africa in high school and they thought he invented the behind the back pass.

-- I recently called the Sprint customer service line and I was clearly talking to someone in Bombay. That really pissed me off. I said I wanted to know my password, not order Lamb Vindaloo!

-- Have you seen these commercials for this new drug to help people with "Restless Leg Disorder"? Are you fucking kidding me? Now people who bounce their knee when sitting have a disorder? The drug companies must be stopped.

-- Anyone who knows me knows I hate talking on the phone. I think I realized why. Over at least the last three years I think I have gotten only one piece of good news over the phone: I was accepted to one of the law reviews at my school. And that wasn't even great news because it was a pretty terrible experience.

-- I don't know what is more pathetic: the fact that I still play video games or the fact that my PS2 broke, so now I'm playing Madden 2000 on the PS1, where Kimble Anders is gaining waaaaay too many yards on me.

-- Maruchen Ramen have the better noodle quality, while Top Ramen have the better flavors.

-- I just saw the movie Fever Pitch for the first time and it was ok (in the I've kind of had a crush on Drew Barrymore since I was five even though she is a grown woman and still has a lisp way).

-- The new King Kong movie has hit the trifecta of reasons to make me not want to see a movie: 1) Its a remake, 2) It is being completely overhyped, and 3) There is extensive CGI involved.

-- I might jinx it right here, but I've made it through the entire NFL season without actually watching that Tim McGraw Week in Review crap on Monday Night Football. I have had a few close calls where I almost forgot to change the channel, but I think I could go 16-0.

-- Don't you think the Spanish Channel should have English subtitles?

-- Is weird Al Yankovic still doing albums? Because I really want him to do a parody of Jesus Walks about Beavis and Butthead. I know, the tv show reference is a tad dated, but Beavis Walks is too good to pass up. weird Al might even be able to get into a Coolio style feud with Kanye West.