Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The gods must be crazy

I've moved sideways/down in the world. Now I am pretty much a glorified receptionist at my (temp) job. Although I also process TPS reports and other data-entry related tasks, I also have to answer the phone and sit in the gimpy half-cubicle, where anyone can see my computer screen and/or anything else I'm doing or not doing. To put it plainly, it sucks. But I really don't have much of a choice right now, so I have to take my little moments of enjoyment when I can get them.

One such moment happened today. As I have said before, I work in what could be described as the charitable fringe of society (if I were being paid by the company and not the temp agency, I would truly be a charity case). As such, I am treated to ridiculous conversations, creepy Xerox technicians, and every once in a while, absolutely surreal sights.

As I was minding my own business at my crapicle, some woman/man, standing about 6'4", with blonde highlights at the tips of her/his shoulder length hair walked in and asked if someone's office was in our department. It was only then that I realized that he/she was missing at least one of his/her front teeth. Imagine Leon Spinks crossed with Wanda from In Living Color.It might have been the ugliest woman of all time or the most delusional pre or post-op transsexual ever. Either way, I could barely believe my eyes. What sucked was that I don't even have anyone to share my giddiness about Wanda Spinks with because I am the only "normal" person in my department. However, just as he/she was safely out of range, the hilarious guy who sits across from me leans back in his chair and says, "That's a big girl."