Monday, March 20, 2006

An Uninformed Theory

I gave up the Sopranos about 5 years ago. You know, last season. The reason I did this was not because of any particular hatred for the show or the characters or even the extra money that I had to pay RCN for the privilege of getting HBO. Simply put, the show bored me. Nothing ever happened. It was like taking a girl out for a nice dinner and drinks every week and you didn't even get a half-hearted hand job at the end of the night. I had no choice but to cut the Sopranos off.

Why do I mention this? Well, since this is the last season, I have been giving the show a final chance in the hopes that it gets really good. Unfortunately, since my allegiance is to Family Guy, I end up missing the first half of the show every week. And forget about trying to catch a repeat of the show or even Tivoing it. That's just too much effort. All of this is just a round about preface to the point of this post.

I have a theory!

Now, as you probably know, I am not qualified to do anything, much less offer conjecture on a show I haven't watched for years and which I've only seen half of each episode this season, but bear with me. My theory is about how the Sopranos is going to end. And if I get this right, you all must crown me "Employee of the Month" and send me $12.50.

Ok, so Tony will wake up from his coma (assuming he's in a coma -- remember I've only seen half of each one) and he will have amnesia. There might be some sort of big trial against either Uncle Junior or Tony in which it will become clear that neither of them are playing with a full deck. Junior gets off and/or eventually dies and Tony goes back home while the rest of the gang try and figure out who the new boss is. The crew decides that Tony really is out of his gourd and he seems to genuinely have amnesia. The mob, of course, goes on without him. Without a job or any recognition of his current surroundings, Tony and Carmela decide to move somewhere (I'm guessing Arizona or somewhere else warm)the final shot is Tony driving down the Jersey Turnpike, like in the opening credits with a little smile on his face. If its done correctly, nobody will know if he really had amnesia or just used the accident as a chance to get out of the game.

Sounds like a pretty good theory, right?

In a semi-related note, girlfriend always makes me watch Grey's Anatomy on Sunday nights as well. As I was watching the obviously "diverse" cast, it dawned upon me: How do all of these doctor shows manage to find the .000001% of hospitals with no Jewish doctors? Its uncanny.