Then, without warning, local "celebrity" Matthew Lesko walks in with a woman. The only reason I knew it was him was that he was wearing his stupid question mark suit. Well, you would have thought P. Diddy walked in from the reaction of the crowd. People were going up to talk to him and take pictures with him, which is probably why he wears that joker suit all the time. One guy came up to him and asked "are there government grants for gay physicians?" Lesko said no and the guy was like, "Fucking Bush!" Then he says, "Don't get me wrong, I love bush, just not the White House kind."
After peeing in the woman's bathroom because the guys one was in use and there were about 3 girls in the whole place, I thought there would be no more highlights to the night. However, later on a few deaf girls walked in. And they were hot! Unfortunately, they did not spend too much time in the place, but one of them did brush her ass up against me on the way out, so I got that going for me, which is nice. It just goes to show that you can still have quite an eventful evening even if you go out to a nearly empty sports bar on a Firday night.