Something finally went my way! Dagmar from Central Casting called today to put me into the movie Flags of our Fathers. For those who don't immediately go to imdb to check it out, the movie is about the battle of Iwo Jima, you know, the one with the above picture. Steven Spielberg and Clint Eastwood are involved, so I may get to meet them.
Tomorrow I will be going to a costume fitting and on August 8th, I will be in my first movie role. I have no idea what it is, but I think I will be playing a Marine. I'll probably learn more at the fitting.
What does this mean? A few things: 1) god clearly had the day off today, 2) I will fulfill another lifelong dream in just the past few weeks (going backstage at a concert and being in a movie), and 3) Mrs. Nuttle, the music teacher from my elementary school, is spinning in her grave (if she is dead). Screw you, Mrs. Nuttle. I was not too fat and ugly to be on stage in Let George Do It. How many of the other cast members are going to be in a Spielberg/Eastwood movie? None, methinks.
So here is the list of lifelong dreams (in no particular order):
1) Run on the field at a major sporting event [Done at Michigan/Ohio State 1998 (with The Wigger)]
2) Go backstage at a concert [Done at the Chicago concert a few weeks ago]
3) Be in a movie [Taking place soon (unless I just jinxed it)]
4) Go to the Playboy Mansion
5) Have a house with a pool that has a grotto and a tiki bar
6) Be the lead singer in a semi-professional band called Funky Finger Productions
7) Go to the Neverland Ranch (and possibly get diddled by Michael)
8) Have a steady job where I don't have to live paycheck to paycheck, get my own desk and computer.
9) Live in a house with a view of the ocean
10) Win an obscene amount of money one night at a blackjack table in Vegas, get comped a bunch of rediculous shit
11) See my abs
12) Learn to surf
13) Sit "on the glass" at a hockey game
14) Drive a Hummer [Done]
15) Drive a Harley
16) Go skiing "out west"
17) Hook up with Ashley whilst Mary Kate poops on my chest
Thats all I can think of right now, but I'm sure I'll come up with some more.
So I went to the fitting today (the last part of the post was from yesterday). Obviously, I had no idea what to expect. I got there about half an hour early because I imagined that these things could take a while. I went to the appropriate room in the designated hotel and got my pay slip to fill out. I even got paid for the fitting. A whole $15! But I'm not doing this for the money anyway. I went to go fill out the form and the associate producer tells me I have to go to the hair people to see if my hair is ok. Right now my hair is pretty short so I didn't think I'd be getting it cut right there, as some people had been. The hair people signed off on me, but not without debating whether to take my sideburns up (yes, I still think the 90210 hair is cool). Then I go andd wait for my fitting with a bunch of other people.
Some of the people were military, some were just regular schmoes like myself, and some were experienced extras who had been in other movies, such as The Wedding Crashers. The best one was an older lady who was one of the white people singing the Nelly song Hot in Heere in Head of State with Chris Rock. At this point, I also learned that the day we are shooting is the first day of principal photography for the film, our scene is pretty much the climax of the movie (so it will definitely not get cut from the film), and the scene might be the dedication of the Iwo Jima Memorial. Sweet.
I finally get called in for my fitting and learn that I will be wearing a suit, fedora, and overcoat... in the August heat of DC. Talk about swamp ass! Anyway, I got my costume and it looks pretty damn cool. Kind of like an early Sinatra. Then one of the costume people said that I was one of the few people that looked good in a hat and that I looked like a politician or a lawyer. Hopefully, my good looks will get me a prime spot near Ryan Phillipe (he's so dreamy). They determined that I was ok in my clothes and I put my civvies back on and left. Done and done.
So now in about a week, I will be up at the crack of dawn, sweating my balls off hopefully in the presence of Clint Eastwood. It will all be worth it if I can see my shoulder or knee on the silver screen.