Seeing that this was the first book that someone I know has written (and the good press didn't hurt), I decided to pick it up (and read it). The story was pretty cool. It alternated between two time periods: 1) the present, where the semi-autobiographical main character goes on a pilgrimage to Europe to try and find the people who saved his grandparents from the pogroms back in WWII, and 2) Back in the lifetime of his grandparents when they met. The best sequences were probably those involving European guide who butchers the English language. Good book. I was impressed, at least.
Now this book is being made into a movie, starring Elijah Wood. They must have patterned the main character on Johnny Foer because Wood looks pretty much just like him in the movie poster. That got me thinking. Who would play me in a semi-autobiographical movie? There are two obvious choices: Ben Affleck and Adam Sandler. Most people tell me I look like one of those two (or a combination of them both). But I think I would want to come up with someone else.
I'm going to go with Sean Patrick Thomas. For one, I love the three name thing. Reminds me of Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and he was so dreamy. Secondly, his performance in Save the Last Dance was simply breathtaking. How great would it be to have everyone else in the movie be white (i.e. family, friends, whomever) and have me be played by a black guy and never even acknowledge it? I want people walking out of the theater saying, "I liked the movie, but why was Catheter Man black?" Hilarious.

Sean Patrick Thomas: on the short list for The Catheter Movie