Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't call myself a Democrat either. In fact, I think the two party system has completely undermined the idea of democracy by placing votes for sale to special interests and lobbyists, but the 'Crats are clearly the lesser of two evils here. At least the old school Republicans were fiscally responsible.
Here's my theory: There are only two types of people who voted for Bush:
1) You are a Bible-thumping idiot who hates blacks, gays, and any other minority even though you probably have a gay son or daughter.
2) You are rich and like the sound of tax cuts.
I don't care what anyone says, there are no other reasons to vote for him. If you did, you fall into one of those categories, even if you won't admit it.
What do you think will happen first: Bush will find Bin Laden (or the WMDs in Iraq) or OJ will find the "real killers"? Seriously. Its like one of those Chicken or the Egg enigmas (even though the egg clearly came first -- think dinosaurs).