Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Audition

Yesterday, after going to the dentist and not having any cavities, yet still having to go back for them to fix a filling that cracked, I was ready to head to my audition. Unfortunately for you, my dear reader, it was basically just me repeating the Century Club and Let George Do It (Theory: Teachers Hate Me) stories from this blog, so you'll have to use your imagination.

They did, however, ask me to prepare a list of things I'm afraid of, things I hate, and things that make me laugh. Even though they didn't really ask me about these things, here are my lists of fears and hates.

Hypodermic Needles
Venemous Snakes
Sea Urchin Roe
Super Volcanoes
The State of Texas
Intestinal Parasites
Detroit after dark
Paper Cut in the Eyeball (Colediggy's fear, but it sounds good)
Public Bathrooms in Train Stations
President Arnold Schwartzenegger


Dress Socks
Office Speak, such as "point person" or "going forward"
The sound of someone filing their nails
Old Navy
Commercials before movies
White Food
Bathroom Attendants
Guys who wear pastel polo shirts with their collars up
The Swiss

So I guess I'll have to wait to see if I make it. Seeing as this was my first audition (other than the BS ESPN Dream Job group audition), I think things went pretty well. As the immortal William Hung once said, "I did my best and I have no regrets. You know, I have no professional training in singing."