Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Intern Contest, part 1

As I sit here, wasting time on the internet, I always remember to check the Sports Guy's site on ESPN. Right now, he is doing an intern contest where people write in to try and become his next intern. I would have tried out, but I refuse to do any work for free anymore. That being said, some of his questions are pretty funny and thought provoking. So without further ado... onto my first foray into answering them.

1) What is your favorite SNL sketch ever and why?
2) What is the funniest scene in movie history and why?
3) What is your favorite reality TV moment and why?
4) If you could choose any sports scandal, what would it be and why?


1) This would have to be a toss-up between two Chris Farley works of genius: Matt Foley, inspirational speaker and the Chippendale's dancers. I think I'll go with the former. The best Matt Foley sketch was the first one ever with David Spade and Christina Applegate as the kids, Phil Hartman and Julia Sweeny as the parents. Everything about this sketch was hilarious, from the dialouge to Farley's clothes, to the first Farley destruction of a table. Chris played this one so over the top that Spade and Applegate are clearly laughing throughout the entire thing. This sketch was the break out role for Farley and deservedly so. I heard that whenever writers couldn't figure out how to make a sketch funny, all they had to do was write 2 words: "Farley enters." I, for one, wish Chris could have found whatever it was he was looking for so he'd still be with us today.

2) This is a though one. I consider myself somewhat of an expert on comedies, but it is hard to figure out the funniest scene. I gotta break the rules a little bit on this. First of all, I'm going for the funniest unintentional/intentional scene. Second, its more than one scene. I have to say the whole boot camp section of Full Metal Jacket. R. Lee Ermy gave an Oscar-worthy performance and was just hilarious. I could list all the great quotes from this part, but I don't have the time.

3) This one is easy. My boy, Adam Mesh getting stood up on the final Average Joe because the girl chose the wrong guy. Mesh then proceeded to do the exact same thing on Average Joe II. Hell, the fact that I even watched both of those shows is funny in itself.

4) My sporst scandal would be a class action lawsuit be all the NBA baby mamas. How great would that be? Thousands of women would definitely line up for a chance at this one. David Stern needs to be taken down a few pegs and this would surely do it.