Friday, April 29, 2005


I have an unhealthy obsession with the smell/taste of citrus. I want every product in my bathroom to be citrus flavored. Right now, I have citrus toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, pomade, body wash, bar soap, and shampoo. I hope they come out with citrus deodorant and shaving cream soon. I want my bathroom to be awash in a cacophany of Orange.

Interestingly enough, I don't really eat oranges or drink orange juice. I don't usually get oranges because in DC, they are never really good and you wind up with a wad of that nasty chewey cell wall material in your mouth for 15 minutes. Orange juice, though I like the taste, has a suprising amount of sugar in it and a lot of calories, so I'd rather eat a bacon, egg, and cheese.

I did eat a "uniq fruit" a couple of weeks ago. This used to be what was known as an Ugli fruit, but for some reason they changed the name. I guess those pansy ass Ugli fruits couldn't take the name-calling. Anyway, I got one at the Giant because I was looking for a snack, but couldn't decide on anything. I remembered getting Ugli fruit at Meijer's in college and I think I liked it, so I decided to give it a try. I'll tell you, this is an underrated fruit. It tastes kind of like an orange, only better (like Sunny Delight!). It could be the best fruit of all time, with the possible exception of Mango.

This brings me to another point. Recently, I discovered that Syracuse University changed its maascot from the Orangeman to the Orange. What a bunch of pussies. They already changed the name from the Redmen to the Orangemen back in the day to try and sate the savages who complained about it. Orangemen does not refer to Indians. In fact, the name was changed specifically for that purpose. I can't believe they changed it again for no reason. Well, Indians, I hope you continue to erase yourselves from the national consciousness until the only perception people have of you is that you are alcoholic casino owners who are almost extinct.

Wow, this post got really hateful pretty fast. You know what Clayton Biggsby always says; "If you have hate in your heart, let it out!" I need a beer.