Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Support the Farts

In an effort to get the word out about his site, Jason Mulgrew, a long-time(read: two-month) favorite of Catheter Man, is setting up a "friends of" page on his site. If I do a couple of things, I can be listed on this page (and maybe parlay my incessant whining and drunken rants into a job where I get my own desk AND computer). So 10 of you lucky bastards will be getting an email from me, telling you about his site. Of course, I probably already told you all about it anyway, but them's the rules.

If, by some chance, you have not partaken in the links section of my site, you will find Jason's site at www.jasonmulgrew.com. Wow, I just previewed that and my link actually worked. Anyway, check out his site because its damn funny.

On a side note, I have been working on the ballot for the official Not in Those Words NBA All-Ugly Contest 2005 (or NAMBLA, for short). However, I have a problem. The ballot is a giant word document that has a lot of pictures. If you know how to link to a word document that is on my desktop (not on the web somewhere), please let me know so that the contest can begin.

Remember, check out www.jasonmulgrew.com.
