Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Tradition Begins: Tuesday Treat

I am hereby instituting a new feature on my blog: the Tuesday Random Entry from Another Topic (or Tuesday TREAT, for short). I know its really from another blog, not topic, but you try thinking of something that beings with T and describes a blog. The rules of this game are that I will hit the "nextblog" button on the top of the page and post some random entry from that blog on my site. Sure, its a lazy way to update, but hopefully a good time will be had by all anyway. Away we go...

This one comes to us courtesy of www.lifeofsextus.blogspot.com.

Stulte Aprilis

I came downstairs this morning to find that the kitchen had been flooded. Apparently, Molly had been trying to reach a morsel of dog food that was stuck behind the washing machine, and had managed to pull one of the water pipes out while lunging for it. Daisy's bed, complete with bemused dog, was carried into the hall by the initial surge of water. Molly is shaken by her experience but a lot cleaner for it.

My brother has been hogging the computer again but at the moment he's gone to Gloucester for a meeting of the Gloucestershire Amateur Yodelling Society (the G.A.Y.S.) which is run by the renowned American opera singer and yodeller, Bat Guano. In the meantime, the bad weather has gone and wildlife is reappearing after the rainstorms of the past days (Midlands Today reports that traffic chaos is ensuing in Great Morecombe because of an "unusually large swan" in the road).

Finally, this evening we are going to the Cookeses's house-warming party. As presents, we're going to give them:

1 blue portaloo (the latest in sanitation fasion)
3 hand-knitted socks (three in case one goes missing in the wash)
1 T-80 Main Battle Tank, ex-Red Army (for Jon)
6,482,654,198,317 small yellow plastic ducks (a traditional gift in this part of Leckhampton)